new Thread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ System.out.println("Before java8 ,too much code for too little to do"); } }).start(); //java 8方式 new Thread(() -> System.out.println("In java8 ,Lambda expression rocks !!")).start();
例2 使用java 8 lambda表达式进行事件处理
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// java 8之前 jButton show =new JButton("Show"); show.addActionListener(new ActionListener()){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ System.out.println("Event handing without lambda expression is boring"); } }); // show.addActionListener((e) -> { System.out.println("Lihgt,camera, Action !! Lambda expressions Rocks"); });
例3 使用lambda表达式对列表进行迭代
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//java8之前 List feature=arrays.asList("Lambdas","default Method","Stream API","Date adn Time Api"); for(String feature : features){ System.out.println(feature); } //java 8之后 List featuers=arrays.asList("Lambdas","default Method","stream Api","date and time"); features.foreach(n->System.out.println(n)); // 使用 java 8 的方式引用更方便,方法引用由::双冒号操作提示 //看起来像c++的作用域解析运算符 features.foreach(System.out::println);
public static void main(args[]){ List languages = Arrays.asList("Java", "Scala", "C++", "Haskell", "Lisp"); System.out.println("Languages which starts with J :"); filter(languages, (str)->str.startsWith("J")); System.out.println("Languages which ends with a "); filter(languages, (str)->str.endsWith("a")); System.out.println("Print all languages :"); filter(languages, (str)->true); System.out.println("Print no language : "); filter(languages, (str)->false); System.out.println("Print language whose length greater than 4:"); filter(languages, (str)->str.length() > 4); } public static void filter(List names, Predicate condition) { for(String name: names) { if(condition.test(name)) { System.out.println(name + " "); } } //更好的办法 public static void filter(List names,Predicate condition){>(condition.test(name))).forEach((name)->{ System.out.println(name + " "); }); } }
例5 如何在lambda表达式中加入Predicate
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// 甚至可以用and()、or()和xor()逻辑函数来合并Predicate, // 例如要找到所有以J开始,长度为四个字母的名字,你可以合并两个Predicate并传入 Predicate<String> startsWithJ = (n) -> n.startsWith("J"); Predicate<String> fourLetterLong = (n) -> n.length() == 4; .filter(startsWithJ.and(fourLetterLong)) .forEach((n) -> System.out.print("nName, which starts with 'J' and four letter long is : " + n));
例6 java8中使用lambda表达式的map和Reduce示例
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//不使用lambda表达式为每个订单加上12的税 List costBeforeTax=Arrays.asList(100,200,300,400,500); for(Integer cost : costBeforeTax){ double price=cost+.12*cost; System.out.println(price); } //使用lmabda表达式 List costBeforeTax=Arrays.asList(100,200,300,400,500);>cost+.12*cost).forEach(System.out:println);
例6.2 java8 中使用lambda表达式的Map和Reduce示例
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//为每个订单加上12%的税 List costBeforeTax = Arrays.asList(100,200,300,400,500); double total = 0; for(Integer cost : costBeforeTax) { double price = cost +.12*cost; total =total +price; } System.out.println("Total : " + total); //新方法: List costBeforeTax = Arrays.asList(100,200,300,400,500); double bill =>cost + .12*cost).reduce((sum,cost) -> sum+cost).get(); System.out.println("Total : "+bill);
例7 通过过滤创建一个String 列表
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//创建一个字符串列表,每个字符串长度大于2 List<String> filtered>x.length()>2).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println("Original List : %s,filtered list : %s %n ",strList,filtered);
例8 对列表的每个元素应用函数
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//将字符串转换成大写并用逗号链接起来 List<String> G7 =Arrays.asList("lmbada","default method","date and time","stream"); String G7countries>x.toUpperCase()).collect(Collectors.join(","));
例9 复制不同的值 ,创建一个子列表
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//使用流的distinct()方法对集合进行去重 List<Integer> numbers =Arrays.asList(9,10,3,4,7,3,4); List<Integer> distinct = -> i*i).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); 例10 计算集合元素的最大值最小值 总和 及平均值 //获取数字的个数、最小值、最大值、总和以及平均值 List<Integer> primes = Arrays.asList(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29); IntSummaryStatistics stats = -> x).summaryStatistics(); System.out.println("Highest prime number in List : " + stats.getMax()); System.out.println("Lowest prime number in List : " + stats.getMin()); System.out.println("Sum of all prime numbers : " + stats.getSum()); System.out.println("Average of all prime numbers : " + stats.getAverage());
Lambda表达式 vs 匿名类 关键的不同点就是关键字 this。匿名类的 this 关键字指向匿名类,而lambda表达式的 this 关键字指向包围lambda表达式的类。另一个不同点是二者的编译方式。
6)lambda表达式有个限制,那就是只能引用 final 或 final 局部变量,这就是说不能在lambda内部修改定义在域外的变量。
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List<Integer> primes = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{2, 3,5,7}); int factor = 2; primes.forEach(element -> { factor++; }); Compile time error : "local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final